Found 28 results matching your query for '1.5 C Limit'

Big Do in Dunedin

Big Do in Dunedin

Date  May 28, 2019Details  Public lecture and open discussion 
Professor Susan Krumdieck has been invited to give a keynote address to the New Zealand Minerals Forum. The oil extractors are going to hear about the sunset of their industry. But there is a twist. In this talk she will open up a new perspective on the future we know is looming up at us. 

Full Scholarship for PhD

Full Scholarship for PhD

Date  September 25, 2023Details  

This research project asks the question: “How can we engineer a virtual exploration and digital economy that delivers a system by which urban residents and businesses fit into the urban form, downshift the need for cars and fossil energy use and regenerate urban environments?”

Hydrogen Crash Test

Hydrogen Crash Test

Details  The InTIME Method step 3 is a road test of policies and a crash test of technology and behaviour wedges for reducing emissions or mitigating risks.
Journal Special Issue in Sustainability

Journal Special Issue in Sustainability

Date  June 28, 2023Details  Energy Transition means achieving rapid dial-down of fossil fuel production and adapting the oil intensive economies and activities to the retirement age of fossil fuel. This special issue invites researchers at the cutting edge of engineering energy transitions to submit their approach, methodologies, models and results.Link


Details  One or two day workshop settings, block courses and retreats are provided by Heriot-Watt University for professionals, academics and students. We have run highly successful Transition Lab workshops with organisations, executives, leaders and community groups.
MEMBERSHIP! Join and be Part of the Change

MEMBERSHIP! Join and be Part of the Change

Details  Affiliate - Free for everyone who supports the mission of transition engineering
Associate - Students and Professionals in any discipline join without an application
Member - Engineers in any discipline with experience creating transitions apply for MGATE standing
New Report on Solutions

New Report on Solutions

Date  February 09, 2018Details  GATE has supported the "Future Climate - Engineering Solutions" (FC-ES) project since our foundation in 2014. 



Details, March for Science, Student's Strike4Climate, Extinction Rebellion

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