Benefits of GATE Membership

Joining GATE gives you recognition of your professional value in the field of Transition Engineering, it gives you access to the latest learning and networking in this field, and (depending on grade) it gives you discounted access to publications and training. It also gives you the opportunity to help shape the profession and to help to design and deliver real change your own sector or industry to shift the energy, materials and water consumption an unsustainable practice or product.

Belonging to GATE will give you all the benefits of being part of the most important professional endeavor of the 21st century; to achieve the transition from an unsustainable trajectory towards all sorts of future problems, to a sustainable trajectory towards a future in which society can prosper today knowing that future generations will also be able to prosper, within foreseeable constraints.

Join GATE Now


Associate of GATE demonstrates that you have the necessary qualifications and commitment to make a real contribution to the global endeavor towards a sustainable future.

Members: being able to call yourself a Member of GATE demonstrates that you have the necessary qualifications, and experience, for your professional peers to elect you as a full member.


GATE is a learned Society; we are the intellectual home for the discipline of Transition Engineering, and it is our role to "Promote, encourage and undertake the study, invention and research of matters related to Transition Engineering, and to make grants of money or books or otherwise to assist such study, invention and research."

Being a part of GATE will help you to acquire the skills, expertise and experience to support your career as a professional and to enable to to bring about real change towards sustainability, and towards long term prosperity for you, your employer, your clients, and your colleagues, and of course your children and grandchildren.  


GATE is a global network of industry and academic professionals. Members come from academia and in industry. 
We encourage members to set up local Transition Engineering groups. We are working with universities and student groups to create guidelines and support on "Setting up an effective Transition Engineering Student Group". Please contact  for more information. 


GATE academic research papers, books and member reports are available to full members. The online resources will grow as the field emerges and members carry out and report on projects. 


GATE offers training for professional practitioners in Transition Engineering, whether they are engineers or peer professionals, to ensure that they have the expertise and practice to implement Transition Engineering in their work. 

Associates and Members receive a discount on the cost of training, but training is open to everyone. 

We can offer 1, 2 and 5 day CPD courses on "Introduction to Transition Engineering". 

We offer in-house and public courses. In-house courses can be arranged to suit your organisation. Public courses are run to suit demand. Please contact for more information. 

Future training will be developed in response to member needs. 

Podcast! Energy Transition Engineering

Podcast! Energy Transition Engineering

Details  In this global interconnected world - how do we carry on a conversation? Our podcasts are short conversations about the core topics and difficult concepts in Transition Engineering and especially Energy Transition. Professor Krumdieck is joined by Transition Engineering students and a diverse range of people to discuss the topics they have learned and the projects they have done.
Subscribe to our podcast channel.
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