The future will not be like the past 
The emergence of a lean, clean, and prosperous society over the next century anywhere in the world will depend on two key transitions:
- The transition of existing engineered systems; energy supply, manufacturing, energy services and the built environment
- The curtailment of greenhouse gas emissions and vigorous restoration of ecosystems
How are all of the transitions achieved while also improving social and economic outcomes? Transition Engineering is the work of creating the surprising and innovative opportunities in change of existing systems. Transition Engineers are the people who are the experts in the unsustainable systems, but who have received new training and skills. Transition Engineering delivers the change management needed through agile actions we call shift projects. Transition Engineering uses new scenario analysis tools to accelerate productive change by managing expectations in future technology pathways that have unacceptable risk.
Transition Engineers have training in how to understand the past, analyze and model current systems, and how to investigate and interrogate the long-term future. This is an insurgent capability of great value for all organisations, governments and communities. A growing swell of people around the world are calling for action on climate change, and leaders in all spheres are understanding the nature of the energy and economic transitions. Now, everyone is asking "how do we do it?"
Shifting demand downward reduces environmental and economic risk by ensuring energy activities can be achieved within the supply and demand balance.
Transition Engineering is an emerging field whose practitioners are trained to deal with the wicked problems of change. Our approach is interdisciplinary - Transition involves the whole of society, economy and ecology, and fundamentally involves engineered systems, infrastructure and supply chains. Our methodology generates the space for innovation and prospects for opportunities in changes that address complex problems. Our specialty includes energy and sustainability, but most importantly the long-term engineering and management of new "shift" projects.
Transition Engineering Consultants
Experienced GATE Members can work with companies, communities and organisations in a number of ways. If your organisation is committed to achieving carbon emissions reduction or some other target of social benefit, and you now want to know HOW - you should call a Transition Engineer. Contact Us - for Transition Engineering services or post on the GATE Linkedin Group.
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We are seeking investors, donors and sponsors to help us achieve our objects. Donate to the GATE Organization. GATE is a registered charity.
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