Found 24 results tagged with 'BEV,podcast,Stories'

Guest Blogs

Guest Blogs

Details  Transition Engineering has been featured on other websites as guest blogs and articles. This collection provides some inspirational reading.Tags    Blog 
The Movement

The Movement

Details  GATE is dedicated to supporting the growing of movement within all of the engineering fields to undergo a transformation of purpose and perspective. We use the Transition Engineering approach and the InTIME Methodology, and we are developing new strategic analysis tools all the time through our research and by just getting on with projects. 
The shorthand for this movement is The BigDO

Tags    The BigDO 



ANYONE who supports the objectives of Energy and Material Transition is encouraged to register a GATE Affiliate. Simply create your profile at LOGIN. 

Affiliates are welcome to support the operations and work of GATE either by volunteering their time or by making a financial donation.

Please get in touch if you'd like to get involved as a volunteer; you could set up a local Transition Engineering group, a student interest group, offer to share your particular skills to further the work of GATE. 

Registration is FREE  Donations are Tax-Deductible

Tags    Action 
Splendid Engineering

Splendid Engineering

Details  Towards Better

Splendid Engineering is the first consultancy helping clients achieve long-term sustainability with the Transition Engineering approach. We help people to think differently, and to adapt products, systems and organisations to remain viable in a changing future.
Link    Consulting