Transition Engineering in the French Alps

A course emerged from Professor Susan Krumdieck's visit to Grenoble INP.

A transition engineering course in French Alps, developed by Professor Raphael Boichot.

Learn more about the course

Back in 2015 Professor Susan Krumdieck was awarded a fellowship to work in Grenoble INP for a semester. She worked with colleagues at SiMAP on CVD materials, but also got to teach a course on anything she wanted. What an opportunity. 

The first Transition Engineering class was a success as you can see from the photo of the students. One of the students went on to do a PhD and become a member of GATE. Professor Raphael Boichot created a course on Transition Engineering. And Professor Krumdieck used the experience to start putting together the text reference book and course plans for future in-person and on-line courses. 

In 2021 Professor Boichot delivered a course, Genie de la Transition! The feedback from students and colleagues has been very positive. If you are in the Alps region of France - do look into taking the course, and contacting Professor Boichot about possible continuing education training.

Now the Transition Engineering course is offered each year at Phelma Grenoble INP 

Course Notes in French